Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why do obese people at Wal-Mart drive scooters just for being fat?

Question by Elyssa: Why do obese people at Wal-Mart drive scooters just for being fat?
I love to shop at Wal-Mart but I always get slowed down by morbidly obese people on scooters...Those electric wheelchairs. They do NOT have disabilities or health problems....They are just plain fat...Why are they so lazy they can't walk? They slow me down when I am shopping!!!

Best answer:

Answer by ryan
because there fat and arrogant for not letting real disabled people use them, stupid fat people

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. cause they cant walk and some of them have disabilities.

    Either way who cares it's fun to look at them, it's a different site than the old ugly trailer trash walking around, instead you can look at a marvelous obese person in a scooter.

    IT's different.

    im not fat and i'd want to ride around in a scooter cause im lazy. as in i wish the store would have scooters for me to ride in so i dont have to walk, i'd also still be riding in a stroller having someone push me around now if i could and ima n adult.

  2. Sprinklez SprinklezJuly 25, 2013 at 1:04 AM

    Those are made for older people who phisicly can barly move let along walk. But in stead fat people think they're handycaped and need them because they're so fat that they can't walk. Boo hoo they are for people with a real disibility not for lazy fat people
