Friday, June 28, 2013

Why does my wife keep nagging me that I don't help her enough around the house?

Question by Kevin: Why does my wife keep nagging me that I don't help her enough around the house?
I mean what is the point in paying for an expensive electric wheelchair if you are still going to need to be helped around. You either want to be defined by your disability or you don't.

Best answer:

Answer by old man on the hill
with your attitude i am surprised you have a wife. get off your dead *ss and help her

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. This isn't Comedy Cental here. Get off your buttt and help her otherwise go file for divorce and live like a single man pig.

  2. What are you meaning? If she is in the wheelchair - how can she stand up to cook, do dishes and laundry. Many other chores around the house needs ability to stand up.

  3. Ha ha very funny. Grow up
