Where is the best place to sell a new Electric Wheelchair in Toronto?
Question by chrisisworking: Where is the best place to sell a new Electric Wheelchair in Toronto? I also have a electronic hospital bed that I need to sell for my father, any help would be great.
Best answer:
Answer by dexter active surplus? or star classifieds maybe
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I think you have a couple of options. You could sell it on Craig's list,http://toronto.craigslist.org/, or you could contact an organization whose members could use it. Places like the multiple sclerosis society (http://www.mssociety.ca/en/default.htm), a hospice, or even a senior's home may want it any may pay for it.
I think you have a couple of options. You could sell it on Craig's list,http://toronto.craigslist.org/, or you could contact an organization whose members could use it. Places like the multiple sclerosis society (http://www.mssociety.ca/en/default.htm), a hospice, or even a senior's home may want it any may pay for it.