Saturday, June 29, 2013

With more car makers creating hybrids, why don't they create a van hybrid?

Question by kath68142: With more car makers creating hybrids, why don't they create a van hybrid?
I have to drive a van because I carry around a 350-pound electric wheelchair and lift. It would be nice to have a hybrid van, though.

Best answer:

Answer by thebandgeek3
It would be tough because usually hybrids are on smaller cars, you know, less weight. As technology *hopefully* progresses I see a hybrid van in the relativly near future like 2010ish.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Hybrid technology is being worked out and isn't quite ready for full use in larger vehicles such as vans. Expect to see more hyprid or hybridized pickups and vans in the next few years.

    There are presently some hybrid trucks and perhaps vans, but they are fairly rare and often only for fleet use or custom units.
