Thursday, July 4, 2013

Will Medicare ever pay for a second electric wheelchair?

Question by Betsy: Will Medicare ever pay for a second electric wheelchair?
I had one that was paid for by insurance in 1997 or 98. I only used it off and on but eventually it got so beat up I just got rid of it. I think another bad spell is on it's way but I'm not sure if Medicare would pay for another.

Best answer:

Answer by Wanna-Be Baby Mama
Medicare considers the lifespan of a power wheelchair 5 years. Therfore, they would cover one for you now. But, standards are much much higher than they were 10 years ago. There are TONS of things the doctor has to address, in a visit you have with him for a chair. The doctor used to just have to write a script and letter and that would be fine. Medicare basically wants you to be unable to walk at all, which the doctor would have to state in his medical records. Although, there are still suppliers out there that will fraudulently file for a power wheelchair without having the correct documentation. In turn, those types of suppliers are reposessing these wheelchairs when they get audited by Medicare, leaving you empty-handed. Just beware. If you visit your doctor and get your chair within a couple of days, I would be a little weary. Good luck!

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