Friday, July 5, 2013

has anyone carry on electric guitar on eva air and united air?

Question by lynn: has anyone carry on electric guitar on eva air and united air?
I will be carry on my standard electric guitar from KUL(malaysia) - Las Vegas (EVA Air)
Connecting flight from san francisco to las Vegas.
I've called the airlines but they are not sure. So I am asking anyone who had experience on bringing their electric guitar on board, thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by mccoyblues
I hate to give you bad news but you are at the mercy of the gate agents and the airline personnel on the ground at the time of your flight. If you get an understanding agent you'll be fine, but if you run into someone who confronts you be prepared to get turned away at the gate.

Technically speaking musical instruments are allowed to be carried onboard but that doesn't always work out, especially with very crowded airplanes when cabin space is at a premium.

There is one option if they stop you at the gate. Ask them to "gate check" the guitar. What that means is the guitar is taken from the boarding gate directly to the plane's cargo space. Avoiding all of the baggage check personnel and machinery. When you reach your destination your guitar will be the first item off the plane and it is then delivered directly back to the gate for you to pick up.

This process is very similar to how they handle wheelchairs and child carriers.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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